consists of 5-9 members who are elected by the property owners at the Annual Meeting held each September. All members are elected to a 3-year term; terms are staggered. In the event of a member leaving mid-term, a person may be appointed to complete any remaining time left in the term of the member that left. If a quorum is not reached at the Annual Meeting, where the Board of Directors is elected, then the current Board of Directors will appoint persons to fill the vacancies until the next Annual Meeting.
The Board consists of 3-4 Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and 1-6 Members at Large. The Directors elect the Officers to a 1-year term. Each Officer position is reelected each year after the Annual Meeting. Each board member (regardless of position) carries one equal vote.
The Board (by majority vote; no single Officer nor Member-at-Large) is the authority for the community; develops community strategies; creates, interprets, and enforces community policies and guidelines. Neighbor-to-neighbor disputes are outside the purview of and the authority of the Board.
Board members are not compensated for their time in any way nor do they receive any reduction of dues or fines, if assessed.