We Love Our Marquees (aka Community Electronic Signs)
Yes, we are an "all about you" community. Landsdowne is only as good as the wonderful people who call it home. We are fortunate to have over 2,600 of you! We love to share the special moments of your lives!
Do you have a special remembrance, a birthday, an anniversary, a wedding proposal, or something special to you and your family? Are you welcoming a visiting friend or relative to Landsdowne? Do you want to celebrate a birth? The passing of a loved one? Your imagination is the limit.
Community news and events will always take priority. Other than those times, we are happy to share the sign, as a free service, to announce your messages for special days, and family events, and to share your compliments.
Posting requests are taken up to one year in advance. This is a very popular, fun system -- we require at least one week's notice to post to the sign. Please send us your request by clicking here.
We do not auto-post recurring events. The details of how to post, and to enter your message are noted on the form. Birthdays, Anniversaries, and holidays are the same every year so send your requests early. Even electronically, processing the messages takes time -- and is a volunteer effort -- so please do not wait.
As this is a community sign there are certain restrictions we have to abide by, so some messages may not be able to be accepted, and you will be notified if there is an issue. This is a community of families and all messages must be appropriate for all (kept "G" rated and not offensive).